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White Box Testing:White-box testing is the testing of the underlying implementation of a piece of software (e.g. Types of Testing Strategies in Conventional Programming Languages: 1. Moreover, we will look at some Object-Oriented testing methodologies. In this paper we will look at the different testing methods and concepts used in conventional programming languages. Many characteristics of Object-Oriented programming affect the old testing strategies used for conventional languages but with little alterations those strategy will still be as effective when testing an Object-Oriented software product. It is different because of the nature of Object-Oriented programming. One point that must be stressed is that the testing of an Object-Oriented system is different. When making the transition to a new technology, we expect that some of what we currently know about software testing still holds. In the last decade of this century Object-Oriented programming has become one of the mainstream implementation technologies. In order to cut down on effort and time spent on testing, the developer(s) must integrate the testing process with the development process. Testing cannot show the absence of defects it can only show that defects are present. This is why the importance of testing a software product is very highly weighted. Testing takes up as much as 40% of the software engineering effort. Software Quality Assurance: Software QA assures the effectiveness of a software quality program within a software engineering organization.

Debugging: Debugging is the process of locating the exact cause of an error and removing that cause. While testing may reveal a symptom of an error, it may not uncover the exact cause of the error. To clearly show the difference between the three concepts mentioned above, a formal definition of each concept will be stated: Testing: Testing is the process of examining something with the intention of finding errors. Many times testing is confused with debugging or software quality assurance. Introduction Testing is one area of software engineering in which the gap between research knowledge and actual practice is very large.

Testing Object-Oriented Software.A) The Effect of Object-Oriented Concepts.1) The Impact of Encapsulation on Testing.2) The Impact of Information Hiding on Testing.IV. 1) Black Box testing Techniques.a) Boundary Value Analysis.b) Equivalence Class Partitioning.C) Gray Box Testing.D) Unit Testing.E) Integration Testing.1) Non-incremental Testing.2) Incremental Integration.a) Top-down Approach.b) Bottom-up Approach.c) Sandwich Approach.F) Validation Testing.1) Alpha Testing.2) Beta Testing.III. Types of Testing Strategies in Conventional Programming Languages.A) White Box Testing. The George Washington UniversitySchool of Engineering & Applied Science Software Testing Techniques By: Haneen Al-AbdulrazzaqCourse : CS270 Software Engineering & Development.
#Software testing techniques by boris beizer second edition pdf free download Pc
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